In the dip, lift bridge includes two floors of the house plan, but a strong home attendance of the most prominent horizontal, highlighted by broad, solid panels and glass walls enclosing the top floor. To accommodate the practical life and privacy, the architect behind the conventional floor plan by putting the main residence on the top floor with large windows, while the position of a private area and the bedroom on the floor bawah.Dibuat by architect Stanley Saitowitz of San Francisco, California-based Natoma Architects, Inc. , this bridge design house in Marin, California is as beautiful as this modern biasa.Rumah, set on a wooded 15-acre property, stretching across 22 ft. grassy ravine. Leading the way out of the yard to slope bukit.Dua open court on the top floor - one acting as an entry way and another toward the pool - connect this contemporary home design with nature