Raveau House by Fellipe assadi +Fansisca pulio

The house is located on the way to Farellones, in the first section of the path going from the city towards the mountain range. The land, with a 100% slope, showed a small plane about 60 meters long by 10 meters width. This area was useful to site the house. Another significant factor was the potential crumbling of the hill due to rainwater. For this reason, the full construction was done over piles and at one meter from the natural land. The general arrangement mixes two readings: the first one has to do with the natural descending slope of the hill that leaves a zigzagging line until the river is reached. The second one, is the horizontal of the rooms (bedrooms, living and dinning). The first reading,originates an element that collects the basic circulation of the hill, carrying it to the plane of the circulations of the house and that superposes and interlaces with the second, that gives origin to a 42 meters long neutral pavilion over the preexisting plane.
From the mixture of both readings, two opposed volumetries, but of equal predominance, can be concluded, the circulations and the rooms (bedroom, living and dinning rooms). In the encounter of these two volumetries it creates a patio that separates the rooms from the services, being this patio both an extension of the dinning room and a first sight to the landscape, after entering the house. The first volume beside the diagonal circulation rests over the second one, that of the rooms, it separates from it, descents with the hill, gets into the pavilion and then exits to follow the run towards the river. The operation, with a high degree of diagrams, implements a house supported over 60 iron piles at an almost 100 meters height over the Mapocho river. The materials used were at sight reinforced concrete, metallic structure and pine saturated with tar paint.